P3287 - Find the Maximum Sequence Value of Array
Let be a split line that divides the array into two parts, the left part is , and the right part is . And that all meet .
Let is the set of all subsequences of with length ; is the set of all subsequences of with length .
We need to find a way to calculate and .
We have that . The same for .
use std::collections::HashSet;
pub fn max_value(nums: Vec<i32>, k: i32) -> i32 {
fn find_ors(nums: impl Iterator<Item = i32>, k: usize) -> Vec<HashSet<i32>> {
let mut dp = vec![];
let mut prev = vec![HashSet::new(); k + 1]; // prev[i] := a set with i elements
prev[0].insert(0); // prev[i] as guard helper
for (i, y) in nums.enumerate() {
let range = (0..=std::cmp::min(k - 1, i + 1)).rev();
for j in range {
let (before, after) = prev.split_at_mut(j + 1);
for &x in before[j].iter() {
after[0].insert(x | y);
let k = k as usize;
let a = find_ors(nums.iter().copied(), k);
let b = find_ors(nums.iter().rev().copied(), k);
let mut max = 0;
let range = (k - 1)..(nums.len() - k);
for i in range {
for &va in a[i].iter() {
for &vb in b[nums.len() - i - 2].iter() {
max = max.max(va ^ vb);
The time complexity is , and the space complexity is .