P3287 - Find the Maximum Sequence Value of Array
Let $L_i$ be a split line that divides the array into two parts, the left part is $A_i: [0, i]$, and
Segment Tree
P732, Leetcode My Calendar III needs to find the maximum number of concurrent events at any time. W
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Abstraction and Software Design - Abstraction is the process of hiding the implementation details a
Product Manager with AI
PM's Responsibilities As a PM, you're still responsible for: 1. Understanding user's problem. Knowi
Introduction to Assembly
x86-64 assembly Instructions are the way we tell the CPU what to do. It consists of operator and op
What's blockchain? A blockchain is a distributed database or ledger share across a computer network
Bayes' Theorem
An example Which of the following do you find more likely: "Steve is a librarian" or "Steve is a f
Burst Balloons
Problem Description Key Idea If you burst the i-th balloon, you will get `nums[i-1] * nums[i] * num
超级准备: 你要招什么样的人 1. 招人要有清晰的标准 2. 适合的才是最好的 3. 看人要看内在品质 1. 知识/经验/技能 - 准备面试 人才画像 看透简历 超级流程: 面试方法
人 + 流程 = 成功 - 人: 带领团队, 非正式权利(使人们能够自愿留在你的团队), 四个基本行为准则(展现尊重,先聆听,明确期望,承担责任) - 流程: 发起 - 发起 将预期量化, 传达给成